More Star Citizen at the CrashAcademy: / thecrashacademy Part 2 of the Star Citizen story: • The first contact lie - The prequel... Part 3 of the Star Citizen story: • Humanity plunges into darkness - The... Part 4 of the Star Citizen story: • The tears of fire - The prequel... Part 5 of the Star Citizen story: • Child murder, lies and an enemy that... What is Star Citizen actually about? In the first part of our story recap, we explain what happened before the events in the online universe and the solo campaign Squadron 42, in which humanity practically has its back against the wall. What, for example, is the disappearance of the Artemis, the first human colony ship, all about? What is happening in the Neso Triangle, which keeps swallowing spaceships? Star Citizen: Alpha 3.0 played exclusively: http://www.gamestar.de/artikel/star-c... Star Citizen: Squadron 42 (PC) on GameStar.de: http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/star-ci... GameStar on Facebook: / gamestar.de GameStar on Twitter: / gamestar_de