How much is artificial intelligence part of your daily life? It's very easy to simply say that we shouldn't trust everything AI tells us, especially when it's already part of our daily lives. ChatGPT isn't the only AI that's becoming popular, new technologies are being created exclusively all the time. This opens doors to an incredible future, but I ask you, why shouldn't you trust AI? 15% DISCOUNT on ALURA! http://alura.tv/cienciatododia Become a member of our channel to help keep the videos up and running! http://youtube.com/cienciatododia/join Business Email: [email protected] My Social Networks: /pedroloos/pedroloos/opedroloos Our Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/59fUC0C... Chapters 0:00 - 1:54 Intro 1:54 - 3:10 You Can't Trust AIs 3:10 - 5:05 What Exactly Does ChatGPT Do? 5:05 - 7:43 AI Is Not Magic 7:43 - 13:47 How to Make an AI That Knows the Truth? 13:47 - 15:28 - Conclusion Sources and Further Reading: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/13/googl... https://www.reuters.com/technology/sa... Is AI Ground Truth Really True? The Dangers of Training and Evaluating AI Tools Based on Experts' Know-What - DOI:10.25300/MISQ/2021/16564 https://cdn.openai.com/papers/gpt-4-s... https://www.technologyreview.com/2022... https://ourworld.unu.edu/en/no-one-sh...