Do you want to know what the New Code of Civil Procedure says about Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration? And what are the general aspects of the Mediation Law? Click on this video lesson and I will tell you everything about Conciliation, Mediation and conflict conciliation!!! BUY THE MENTIONED BOOK HERE! MANUAL OF CIVIL PROCEDURAL LAW - Prof. Daniel Amorim Assunção Neves. https://amzn.to/31LkPXB Law 13.105/2015 - New Code of Civil Procedure http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/... Law 13.140/2015 - Mediation Law http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/... Watch this video lesson I recorded about Negotiation and Conciliation: • VIDEO LESSON: CONSENSUAL FORMS: Negoti... See a general summary of all the consensual forms of conflict resolution: • VIDEO LESSON: Consensual Forms of Conflict Sol... Follow me on my social networks! INSTA: / profcamilamiranda FACE: / profcamilamiranda SITE: http://www.profcamilamiranda.com.br class on conciliation and mediation of conflicts, consensual forms of new cpc, law 13.105/2015, conciliation and mediation, conflict resolution law, forms of conflict resolution, Consensual forms of conflict resolution, cpc/2015, alternative means of conflict resolution, New cpc