Drawing on his experience with LGBTI (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex) associations as well as his own life, Antonin Le Mée explains how Western society is structured by binary boxes linked to sex and gender. Whether in expected behaviors or administrative systems, everywhere we classify into two watertight categories: male / female, man / woman, sir / madam... However, the reality of people is much richer than this binarity. There is an incredible diversity of bodies, identities, behaviors. What happens then for people who do not fit into binary norms? Having an androgynous appearance, being intersex or transgender are for example still too often synonymous with unacceptable difficulties in society, ranging from inappropriate remarks to genital mutilation. So why separate, sort, label at all costs? What if we learned to count beyond 2? Born in Saint Brieuc, it was while growing up between three cultures (French, Breton and Indochinese) that Antonin understood at a very young age that diversity was a wealth, but that it was sometimes very difficult to have one's individuality respected. Fortunately, the example of his family with its many social and activist commitments showed him that we could all act for a fairer and more reasonable world. In 2009, he walked through the door of the Gay Lesbian Bi and Trans Center of Rennes (CGLBT), became a volunteer there and, a jack-of-all-trades, took on responsibilities over the years. In 2015, he left the presidency to facilitate his commitment to the National LGBT Federation, of which he is currently spokesperson. From field actions in Brittany to working with elected officials, Antonin is confronted with very varied audiences in areas such as the fight against discrimination, health promotion, individual support or popular education. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx