[Speakers] ・Yusuke Shitara (Editor-in-Chief of Gentosha's "New Economy") ・Whiplus (IVS Crypto Operations Manager) [Moderator] ・Yusuke Nishikawa (CEO of boom now) --- This is an archive of the first session (all 9 sessions) of "TOSHIMA web3 Connect by TSFes Official (TWC2023)" held in Ikebukuro on Sunday, November 5, 2023. TWC2023 is a side event of "TOSHIMA STREET FES 2023" held by Toshima Ward from November 4 to 5, 2023. It is a talk session event where players active in the web3 field gather to talk about our "current location" and "vision of the future". --- ↓About TWC2023 https://www.wafukulabs.co.jp/twc/tosh... Event organizers: ・WAFUKU Labs Co., Ltd. https://www.wafukulabs.co.jp/ ・boom now Inc. https://boom-now.biz/ ・NFT Orchestra LLC https://www.nft-orchestra.com/