Economist Igor Lipsits shared his opinion on inflation, the fall of the ruble and other Russian news in the Vozdukh program on the Khodorkovsky Live channel. Why does everyone blame the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina for the collapse of the economy? Is it possible that at the meeting of the Board of Directors on December 20, the Bank of Russia will refuse to raise the key rate again? And what will follow? Why can't the state keep food prices down indefinitely? And why can Russia's economy no longer be called a market economy, but rather a feudal one? Watch right now, like and don't forget to subscribe to the channel. Problems with YouTube? Watch and listen to us on Telegram: https://t.me/mbhlive WRITE TO US ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/mbhlivebot WATCH ALSO ON KHODORKOVSKY LIVE ⚡️NEWS AIR ALARM IN MOSCOW PUTIN'S SECRET AWARD NAVALNY'S VIDEO RECORDINGS FROM THE FSIN • ⚡️NEWS AIR ALARM IN MOSCOW... KHODORKOVSKY vs. PASTUKHOV: Lessons of Syria for Russia. Why doesn't the US want a change of Putin's regime? • KHODORKOVSKY vs. PASTUKHOV: Lessons ... Viktor SHENDEROVICH: The fall of a dictatorship is always good. Putin. Assad. The Georgian catastrophe. Khinshtein. Mizulina • SHENDEROVICH: The fall of a dictatorship is alway... Zhanna AGALAKOVA: The double life of propagandists. The trial of Simonyan. What Ekaterina Andreeva thinks. Lies on TV • AGALAKOVA: The double life of propagandists... Vladimir PASTUKHOV: Damascus has fallen, "Assad" remains. Syria: Putin has lost. Trump is putting the squeeze on Zelensky • Damascus has fallen, "Assad" remains. Syria... Vladimir MILOV: The ruble has strengthened briefly. The Central Bank is burning through resources. Nabiullina is lying. The rate is 25% • Vladimir MILOV: The ruble has strengthened briefly... Vladislav ZHUKOVSKY: Inflation records will be every week. The economy is at rock bottom, the main fall of the ruble is ahead • ZHUKOVSKY: Inflation records will be every... Mikhail Khodorkovsky's blog: / khodorkovskyru How to bypass YouTube slowdown/blocking in Russia. Instructions for using YouTube with VPN • How to bypass YouTube slowdown/blocking... VPN guide from Mikhail Klimarev: https://nasvyazi.org/vpn/ Other guides "Na Svyazi": https://t.me/na_svyazi_helpdesk/312 VPN generator bot: https://t.me/vpngeneratorbot VPNLove VPN service rating: https://vpnlove.me/ #economy #Putin #ruble