Once upon a time, in a small kingdom located in West Kalimantan, there lived a woman named Dara Hitam. Dara Hitam is the only child of Patih Gumantar, a very influential and respected patih in his time. Patih Gumantar is not only known as a wise leader, but also as a brave fighter. He led his territory with justice and wisdom, so that his people lived in prosperity and peace. This small kingdom is located in the middle of a dense forest, surrounded by clear rivers and towering mountains. This beautiful and fertile nature provides an abundant life for the people of the kingdom. They live from farming, fishing, and hunting. Their life is very harmonious with the environment. Dara Hitam grew up in an environment full of love and attention. From a young age, he was taught various sciences by his father, including leadership, war strategy, and traditional medicine. Dara Hitam is also known as an intelligent and brave girl. He often helps his father in various government affairs and is always ready to learn new things.