PREPPING: German survival preppers - ready for crises, wars, disasters & the end of the world WELT HD DOKU In a world increasingly marked by crises, wars and disasters, interest in survival prepping is growing - a movement that prepares for survival in times of crisis. Andreas Bargel, a 51-year-old from Essen in the Ruhr area, embodies this philosophy. He and his dog Loki regularly practice escaping the city, equipped with emergency equipment and the knowledge of surviving in the wilderness. Bargel is not an isolated case. Many people share his concerns and have dedicated themselves to prepping. Their preparations include stockpiling supplies, creating escape routes and learning survival skills. This practice is not only driven by genuine concern for the future, but also offers a sense of security and independence. The threats that preppers prepare for are diverse: natural disasters, pandemics, cyber attacks and even wars. One particular scenario is the prolonged power outage, which could endanger public order and lead to panic and unrest. Preppers like Bagel and Philipp Jakubowski, a bug-in prepper, take these risks seriously and equip themselves accordingly. Prepping is not only a response to external threats, but also a way back to nature and basic human skills. It's about more than just survival; it's about rediscovering a connection to nature and learning skills that have been forgotten in modern societies. #prepper #prepping #doku ???? WELT DOKU YouTube Channel / weltdoku ???? The WELT news livestream / @weltvideotv ???? WELT Podcasts YouTube Channel / weltpodcast ???? WELT news channel YouTube Channel / weltvideotv ???? WELT Netzreporter YouTube Channel / dienetzreporter ???? The top news on WELT.de http://bit.ly/2rQQD9Q ???? The media library on WELT.de http://bit.ly/2Iydxv8 ???? WELT news channel on Instagram https://bit.ly/IGWELTTV ???? WELT on Instagram http://bit.ly/2X1M7Hk