In memory of Don Gustavo and Doña Maida Lang, my beloved parents, who are now on the other side of the veil, in a wonderful spiritual world. My father loved cold cuts, if he fancied them in January, April or June he would ask for them and not only ask, he would bring the ingredients home so that his beloved could direct the preparation... and the father, and us little ones, helped with the chopping of ingredients, a whole team of amateurs learning from the best. To all those who wish to know how we prepare cold cuts in this kitchen, including fresh shrimp among the ingredients (because I love them in cold cuts, but they are not necessary). We invite you to prepare it with the ingredients you have at your disposal, according to the budget and tastes of each family. Do not forget to use fresh ingredients of the best possible quality. Without a doubt, the broth, the olive oil and the fresh parsley give the delicious touch to this amalgam of delicious ingredients. Remember, the best fiambre in the world is that of mom or grandma, mother-in-law or favorite aunt in every home, because it is prepared with love. May unity and harmony endure in homes when they come together as a family to prepare this delicious Guatemalan dish. With all due respect and love to you, Rina Lang. Extra note: this video leaves me with a memory of entire days of shopping, preparation and preparation, as well as the arduous task of preparing, recording, deleting, correcting, editing and putting together this video for those who 1. think that cooking fiambre is an easy task, and 2. those who believe that recording a video is not complicated and 3. so that you know that combining both activities is work that a simple housewife like me can achieve, only with the help of her children and husband and the strength of heaven due to poor health, tiredness and time. That is why I presented it with all my effort as best I could. I value the work of the housewives who upload their videos and still have the time and energy to continue. With this I also tell you that it was exciting and joyful to achieve it.