🤝 Hexagonal Architecture → https://codigofonte.click/alura Don't be a developer who doesn't understand the structure of software projects. Hexagonal Architecture is undoubtedly one of the best solutions currently for complex projects and has the power to isolate domain, improve coupling and organize communication between application elements. We explain the concept, how it works and fill the video with example codes. 📝 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗖𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗼𝘀 → Article about Hexagonal Architecture: http://wiki.c2.com/?HexagonalArchitec... 🎙️ Compilado Podcast → YouTube: @CompiladoPodcast → Spotify: https://codigofonte.click/compiladosp... → Newsletter: https://compilado.codigofonte.com.br 🔗 More links from Código Fonte TV → https://codigofonte.tv #ArquiteturaHexagonal #Agile #Programação