When a couple decides to live in one of their parents' homes, they face challenges that test their independence and family coexistence, such as the distribution of spaces, communication problems, and contribution to general expenses. In this situation, it is important that the members of the household encourage dialogue to resolve conflicts, as well as strengthen tolerance and mutual respect. How to manage the distribution of spaces, tasks, and expenses? What communication strategies can prevent misunderstandings and maintain harmony? How to establish limits and have privacy? In Confident Dialogues, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of returning to the parents' home after starting a family; as well as the strategies that can reinforce a healthy coexistence. Follow us on: / canaloncetv http://www.x.com/CanalOnceTV / canaloncetv / canaloncetv https://www.threads.net/@canaloncetv https://canalonce.mx/