Frustration is an emotional response that appears as a result of a psychological conflict in the face of an unmanaged event. The impact of frustration on a person varies according to their personality and to various variables that are difficult to control. Some people are not able to tolerate the slightest annoyance, setback or delay in the satisfaction of their desires and cannot bear any unpleasant feeling or circumstance; that is, they do not tolerate the fact of feeling frustrated, in other words: they have no tolerance for frustration. In younger children this is normal behavior. But it also occurs to a greater or lesser extent in adults, who consider that their own needs are above any other thing or person. However, we must reflect that the world does not revolve around our tastes or desires, and that nothing terrible happens when we do not get what we want, there is always something we can do about it, instead of getting angry or complaining. This Wednesday in Confident Dialogues we will talk about frustration as a natural and necessary feeling for self-knowledge. Follow us on: /canaloncetv/canaloncetv http://www.canalonce.mx