Everything you need to know is what you need to know, what you want from the past, but what you want when it comes to what you want, may Allah Ta'ala. The principle of this is that Allah is connected to the Qur’an and the answers to those who are about to appear. Say, “The knowledge thereof is only with my Lord. None can reveal its time except Him. It is heavy in the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except suddenly.” They ask you as if you are knowledgeable about it. Say, “The knowledge thereof is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know.” They know Mereka menanyakan kepadamu tentang kiamat: “Kapankah itu terjadi?” Katakanlah: “Sesungguhnya pengetahuan tentang kiamat itu hanya di sisi Tuhanku; tidak seorangpun yang dapat menjelaskan waktu kedatangannya selain Dia. When it comes to being able to do it (however you need it) then it's not the same as yours. When it comes to life, there is a lot of data that you can use to save money.” Here's what you need to know about it. Katakanlah: “Here's the right thing to do, but it's all right, it's all there is to God, it's all right.” (QS. al-A'raf: 187). Di ayat lain, Allah juga berfirman People ask you about the Hour. Say, “The knowledge of it is only with Allah.” And what can make you know? Perhaps the Hour will be near. berbangkit. Katakanlah: “Songguhnya pengetahuan tentang hari berbangkit itu hanya di sisi Allah.” This is the name of the Prophet (hai Muhammad), and he will be happy with it. (QS. al-Ahzab: 63). Kemudian, Allah juga berfirman, they ask you about the Hour when its anchor has arrived. Why do you remember her? To your Lord is its end (Orange-orang kafir) Bertanya kepadamu (Muhammad) tentang hari kebangkitan, kapankah terjadinya? What time do you want to know what's going on (waktunya)? This is what you need to know more about what you want. (Qs. an-Nazi'at: 42 - 44) There is a whole lot of persuasion, some of the gaps and yang Allah are the ones who have the right to do so. Karena orang yang bertanya tentang itu, terkesan tidak percaya akan adanya kiamat. And I will be able to carry out all the work that comes from the place where I have money and in the house, tentu Allah Ta'ala akan memuji perbuatan mereka. Namun yang ada justru sebaliknya, Allah sebutkan ayat di atas, dalam konteks menjelaskan sifat orang kafir yang mencoba untuk mbantah kebenaran kiamat. Sehingga, tentu saja sikap semacam ini bukan sikap terpuji, karena termasuk ciri khas orang kafir. Imam As-Sa'di dalam tafsirnya menjelaskan ayat di atas, “Semata menggali kapan kimat, sudah dekat atau masih jauh, tidak memiliki manfaat sama sekali. Yang lebih penting adalah kondisi manusia di hari kiamat, rugi, untung, celaka, ataukah bahagia. When the time comes, this is the last thing you need to know, and you will be happy...” (Taisir Al-Karim Ar-Rahman, 672). How many people had this day Umar tentang kedatangan Jibril, dinyatakan bahwa Jibril bertanya kepada Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tentang kapan kiamat. Jawaban Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Who is responsible for it with more knowledge than the questioner “Yang ditanya tidak lebih tahu dari pada yang bertanya..” (HR. Bukhari 4777 and Muslim 106). There is a lot of persuasion, due to the fact that God has mercy on him (Jibril) and the man of God (Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam), if God has mercy on him, God will protect him from what he has done with what he has left. kapan kiamat?. _______________ DONASI UNTUK VIDEO DAKWAH SHAHIHFIQIH . You can use this video to share the video with your favorite video. Saat ini masih ada ribuan video fatwa ulama Ahlussunnah wal Jamaa'ah yang belum kami produksi. In syaa Allah kami akan berusaha terus memproduksinya. bi'idznillah. . INFAQ DONASI 0514265953 BNI Syariah An. Bayu Yudho A ------------------------------ Web: shahihfiqih.com Telegram: @shahihfiqih - bit.ly/1S3K8sW. Instagram: Instagram.com/ShahihFiqih. Twitter: twitter.com/shahihfiqih. Facebook: facebook.com/shahihfiqih.