From a busy problem child to a successful businessman, family man and well-known analyst and commentator. In this new edition of "AUF ein Wort zum Sonntag" Philip Hopf gives deep insights into his life and thinking and which moving experiences have particularly shaped him. Philip Hopf not only talks about the experiences of his youth and what he wants for his son's future, but also about the shame of the unredacted RKI protocols, the dangers of the emerging ideological state in Germany and why he now takes Nazi accusations calmly. In this new edition of "AUF ein Wort zum Sonntag" with Sabine Petzl you will find out what Philip Hopf thinks about life and his fellow human beings, how he feels about his profession of cryptocurrencies and what gives the Stuttgart native strength and confidence in these times despite everything. *** More information on https://www.auf1.tv Follow AUF1 on Telegram: https://t.me/auf1tv Follow AUF1 on Twitter: / auf1tv Follow AUF1 on Facebook: / auf1tv Follow AUF1 on Instagram: / auf1.tv ***