📖 Signs of fate can warn us of danger, tell us that happiness awaits us soon, or, on the contrary, warn us that the matter should be postponed. However, these messages must be deciphered. Magic and esoterics. 🌐 Link to Telegram channel: https://t.me/ALebedev_magic ✅ Register for any course and get ACCESS TO A LARGE FREE LIBRARY OF ESOTERIC LITERATURE ------------------------------------ Training courses: Magic of Thought: https://drevovremeni.ru/course-magiya... -Basics of money thinking: https://drevovremeni.ru/magija-deneg/ Aleister Crowley Tarot: https://drevovremeni.ru/krouli/ Women's Magic: https://drevovremeni.ru/jergazmika/ Ancient Egyptian Tarot: https://drevovremeni.ru/fenomen-kart-... Bioenergetics: https://drevovremeni.ru/bio/ ☑️ Link to Yandex Zen channel: https://dzen.ru/id/5e1c49d7fc69ab00ae... ▶️ Link to the RUTUBE channel: https://rutube.ru/channel/23836457/vi... ☑️ Link to the VK group: https://vk.com/resurssoznaniya