What is the difference between being an independent person and being autonomous? Is it the same thing to say that our children are self-sufficient and make decisions autonomously? Independence and autonomy are similar and are sometimes used as synonyms, but specialists believe that one thing is being able to do our activities without the help of other people –which would be independence–, and another is the ability not only to act on our own, but to decide what we want for our lives. In this sense, and just to remember, how many times have we seen parents who tell their children not only what they should eat, but even how they should behave? Do you know parents who exempt their teenage children from responsibilities because they are “still young”? This is how independence and autonomy of children is achieved when from a young age we help them to choose and assume responsibility for what they do. Of course, we must take care of them, consider their emotional and cognitive development, without this representing overprotection and a limitation on our part. #OnceDigital Follow us on: / canaloncetv / canaloncetv / canaloncetv http://www.canalonce.mx