The Crows: Drama in 4 acts by Henry Becque (April 1837 -- May 1899) written in 1877 In a wealthy family abruptly deprived of its father, the crows descend, the close collaborators of the deceased who, without scruples and under the guise of friendship.... The comedy is from 1969 Directed by Sandro Bolchi Characters and performers: Mrs. Vigneron: Rina Morelli Mr. Vigneron: Renzo Ricci Maria: Ileana Ghione Giuditta: Marina Dolfin Bianca: Lucia Scalera Mrs. De Saint Genis: Lina Volonghi Teissier: Paolo Stoppa Bourdon: Tino Carraro Lefort: Mario Pisu Dupuis: Ugo Pagliai Augusto: Consalvo Dell'Arti Doctor: Paolo Todisco Merchens: Andrea Lala Rosalia: Emma Fedeli http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rina_Mor... http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Vol...