Wonderful song about who Jesus really is: The Son of men who did wonderful powerful things and the Son of God, God Himself who came to save us. 1. What a man that the wind and waves obey, what a man who walks on water, what a man who turns water into wine and multiplies bread and fish. What a man who sets prisoners free, what a man who even conquers death, what a man who brings good news to all the poor and weak. Ref.: Jesus, Savior of the world, you are the Christ, the rock that holds us, God is with us, he himself comes into the world, the light that illuminates the night. 2. What a God who comes to us to serve, what a God who becomes small like a child, what a God who takes all the guilt of this earth upon himself for us. What a God who builds his new kingdom with us, what a God who gives us an inheritance, what a God who loves us indescribably as sons and daughters. B. What a man, Jesus. What a God, Jesus.