Register for Quran Power Week now until January 9, 2025: https://forms.gle/Db51LyetikGNPm4y5 (Free) Today's guest is convert Salvatore Costa. We ask our guest exciting questions about the Quran and what experiences he has had with the Quran in his life. Our guest shares the moving story of his own conversion - and that of his mother. We delve into exciting topics related to Islam and also shed light on the wonders of the Quran that never cease to amaze us. Guest suggestions for podcasts are welcome in the comments or to [email protected] ► About Salvatore: / its.isa33 ► Quran4You Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5aSzF5z... ► Instagram: / quran4you.de ► TikTok: / quran4you.de #islam #christ #convert #converted #koran