According to the narration, the Messenger of God (pbuh) said: - When I was taken to Me'raj and reached every sky, I saw angels reciting this prayer. I asked Gabriel (a.s.) a question: - Ya Aminallah! What is the interpretation of this prayer? Jabayil (peace be upon him) said: - O Messenger of God (pbuh), this is a prayer that even if the forests were pen and the waters were ink, the angels of the 7 layers of heaven could not write one hundred thousandth of the reward of this prayer. O Muhammad, if a person cannot recite this prayer once a day, month, or year, even if he recites it only once in his life, he will be considered to have accomplished the merits I have mentioned below: he will finish the Qur'an 40 thousand times, he will find the night of power for 40 thousand nights, 40,000 mosques can be repaired, 40,000 people can give alms on the footpath. O Messenger of God, if a person writes this prayer by heart, he will read 4 books 40 thousand times. O Muhammad, by the blessing and majesty of this prayer, Adam's repentance was accepted. By the mercy of this prayer, Hazrat Yusuf came out of the dark well, Hazrat Noah was saved from the storm, Hazrat Ayyub was saved from the trouble of crying, Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was saved from the fire of Hamrud, and Allah Almighty turned the fire into a place of laughter for him. Because of the blessing of this prayer, Prophet Jesus went to heaven, Hazrat Musa got victory from the hands of Fir'on La'natullah, and Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) was saved from being sacrificed. From the blessing of this prayer, Allah Almighty made you Khatamannab, that is, the last prophet. O Muhammad, whoever reads this prayer with a sincere heart, or takes it for himself, will not burn in fire, will not drown in water, will be dear, respected and respected in the eyes of the people. God will protect him from all the oppressors, narcissists and evil people, and the tongue of the enemy will be tied to him, and the magic spell will not affect him. Anyone who doubts the sanctity of this prayer is a disbeliever and is outside of Islam. "Kafam" recorded this prayer in "Baladul-Ayman" and "Misbah". In its virtue, it is noted that if anyone recites this prayer during the bright moon nights of Ramadan, all his sins will be forgiven, even if even if there are as many raindrops, leaves of trees, sands of deserts. NOTE: THE REWARD OF LISTENING TO PRAYER IS EQUAL TO READING. Pilgrimage of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - (with translation & subtitles) • Pilgrimage of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)... Pilgrimage of Amiral Momineen Ali (pbuh) (with translation & subtitles) "Aminullah" (Amin of God) • Amiral Mominin Ali's (pbuh) tribute... Fatima Zahra's (pbuh) full tribute (with translation & subtitles) • Lady Fatima Zahra's (pbuh) full speech... Imam Hasan's (pbuh) visit letter (with translation & subtitles) • Visitation letter of Imam Hasan (a.s.). (t... Imam Hussain (a) pilgrimage - "Ashura" (with translation & subtitles) • Imam Hussain (a) pilgrimage - "Ashura... Imam Hussain (a) pilgrimage - "Waris" (with translation & from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) • Pilgrimage of Imam Hussain (a.s.) (t... Imam Baqir's (a) pilgrimage letter (with translation & subtitle) • Imam Baqir (a) pilgrimage letter (t... Imam Sadiq (a) pilgrimage letter (with translation & subtitle) written) • Visitation letter of Imam Jafari Sadiq (a)... Visitation letter of Imam Kazim (a) (with translation & subtitle) • Visitation letter of Imam Musai Kazim (a)... Imam Askari (a) ) pilgrimage letter . (with translation & subtitles) • Pilgrimage letter of Imam Hasan Askari (pbuh)... Imam Mehdi (pbuh) pilgrimage letter - "Ali Yasin" (with translation & subtitles) • Imam Mehdi (pbuh) .f) visitation letter - ... Visitation letter of Mrs. Khadija (pbuh) - (with translation & subtitles) • Visitation letter of Mrs. Khadija (pbuh) - ... Prayer "Jovshan Kabir" ("Great armor") - bottom written From the Messenger of God (pbuh) • Prayer "Jovshan Kabir" ("Great armor") - ... Prayer "Tawassul" - (for all kinds of needs to be met) - with translation • Prayer "Tawassul" - (all kinds of needs. .. Prayer "Mujir" ("Giver of Refuge") - with translation . Prayer "Mujir" ("Giver of Refuge") - translation... Prayer of Imam Ali (pbuh) - in Kufa Mosque (translation) with) • Prayer of Imam Ali (pbuh) - the prayer recited by Imam Ali (pbuh) day and night in the Kufa mosque - "Sanamay Quraysh" • Dua "Sanamay Quraysh" ("The Quraysh's two... Dua "Iftihah" » ("Desire, Desire") - subtitled by Imam Mahdi (pbuh) • Dua "Iftihah" ("Desire, Desire") - translated... Dua "Abu Hamza Sumali" - by imam Sajjad ( a) companion - (with tran