In today's video, we're going to bring up a very important topic for those who want to join the Federal Police (PF) and Federal Highway Police (PRF) careers: the updated paychecks of these two institutions. We go beyond what the notice presents, showing the total composition of the monthly salaries, including subsidies and additional payments. You'll understand: How the standards and classes of both careers are structured. The impact of annual increases in the PRF and how to progress faster in the PF. Differences between the amounts received by police officers from different locations, including the border additional payment. Practical examples of real paychecks, with discounts and net amounts. The advantages of the PRF's on-call schedule and how this can impact your quality of life. Comparison between the benefits of the PRF and the PF, helping you decide which career to pursue. At the end, you'll also find out more about our preparatory courses specialized in PRF and PF competitions. Don't miss this detailed analysis for those looking for clarity on what is actually paid in these careers. ???? Access our study materials and talk to Isabela through the link in the comments. Want to talk to our team? http://whatsapp.quebrandoasbancas.com/ 0:00 - Introduction to the topic: Paychecks for Federal Police Officers and Federal Highway Police Officers 0:28 - Explanation of the law and PRF allowance 1:05 - Annual progression in the PRF and updated values 1:48 - Difference in progression between PRF and PF 2:27 - Time to change class in the PF 3:07 - Comparison of the time to reach the top of the career PRF vs PF 3:28 - Salary differences between PF and PRF 4:36 - Advantages of the Time Bank in the PRF and 24x72 scale 5:08 - Scale in the PF and its limitations 5:19 - Highest paid functions in the PF and PRF 6:05 - Real paychecks: Example of a PRF who entered in 2019 7:21 - Comparison between two PRFs and the border supplement 8:28 - Explanation of the court decision for transportation assistance 9:41 - Salaries of heads of the PRF and PF 10:00 - Example of an APF (Federal Police Agent) paycheck 10:32 - Explanation of paycheck discounts, Funpresp and retirement 12:30 - Recap of paychecks and net salaries 12:42 - Promotion of preparatory courses for PRF and PF 13:00 - Link to access materials and talk to Isabela about the courses 13:32 - Closing Our Networks: WEBSITE: https://quebrandoasbancas.com TIKTOK: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8EcnhVG INSTAGRAM: / qb_concursos / luis_krieger / professorfrancormatias / morganadifa / jeferson_qb TELEGRAM: https://t.me/QbPRF FACEBOOK: / quebrandoasbancas Getting to know a little about the Extensivo PRF (course that, proportionally, most approved in the last PRF exam - https://quebrandoasbancas.com/extensi...