"The major challenges, currently for materials, are to use the material which is, we increasingly realize, a precious material in finite quantity and in the process of becoming rare. So what we want is to design materials that are safer, that last longer, that are recyclable and respectful of the environment." Alexis Deschamps is a co-head teacher of the Materials Science and Engineering (SIM) department at Grenoble INP - Phelma and a researcher at the Materials and Processes Science and Engineering (SIMAP) laboratory. He tells us about his department, the scientific fields, the challenges, the objectives, the skills acquired by students, the fields of application, professions and industrial sectors of activity... Follow Grenoble INP – Phelma: Facebook: / phelma Linkedin: / grenoble-inp---phelma Instagram: / grenoble_inp_phelma Twitter: / phelma_ecole Website: http://phelma.grenoble-inp.fr/