/ clustergamers Creative Devs! is an interview series that gives voice to industry veterans, who tell their stories and provide valuable tips to the new generation of game creators. Cluster GameRS is a partnership between ADJogosRS, Instituto Caldeira, FAPERGS, PUCRS and the Secretariat of Innovation, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul. The Project's general objective is to consolidate and expand the gaming sector in RS, aiming at economic and social strengthening, through actions that stimulate the generation of intellectual capital in the sector, the value chain, the competitive capacity and the innovation of companies and actors involved in the ecosystem, aligned with the Strategic Planning of the Sector for 2030 developed in the GAMERS program of RS. Produced by Carlos Eduardo Cirne and Camila Ferrareli Art: Danielle Schneider Special participation: Eduardo Selvero (Voodoo, Aquiris Game Studio, Socialpoint) :::::::::::::::::: Music: Kawaii! - Bad Snacks Support by RFM - NCM: https://bit.ly/3f1GFyN ::::::::::::::::::: #gamedev #games