Reader - David Nathan Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe that tells the story of a sailor who is castaway and spends around 28 years on an island. The book was published in 1719 and is considered the first English novel. The literary motif of being trapped on an island is also known as Robinsonade after him. Audiobook Free trial month on Audible: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00NTQ6K7E?t... Audiobook: Dan Brown - Origin: https://www.amazon.de/Origin-Robert-L... Kindle Unlimited 30 days free: https://amzn.to/2OfItpA Kindle Oasis eReader with integrated Audible: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B06XDK92KS?&... Amazon Music Unlimited 30 days free trial: https://amzn.to/2A2Oo8C The links used are affiliate links. If you make a purchase via the link, I will receive a share of the sales. This will not affect the price for you.