Prepare for the 2024 CORREIOS exam with our complete class on the Code of Ethical Conduct and Integrity! In this class, we will cover the main theoretical points required in the notice, focusing on topics such as professional ethics, employee responsibilities, and integrity in organizational practices. In addition, we will answer questions that will help you to consolidate the content and understand how the board may ask these topics in the exam. ????️12/15 - JUS POLIS PORTAL ????JOIN THE GROUP: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JniTHrczFPa... OFFICIAL WRITING COURSE FOR COMPETITIONS: https://juspolis563.wixsite.com/redac... CLASS MATERIAL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vcZy... ???? Don't forget to: *Subscribe to the channel to follow all the course classes *Like and share this video with other candidates *Activate the bell to receive notifications of new content ???? Follow us on social media: Instagram: @arianebudke @proflfranco