Synopsis: Film based on the book of the same name. Journalist Fernando and his friend César embrace the armed struggle against the military dictatorship in the late 1960s, after the publication of AI-5. The two enlist in a left-wing guerrilla group and, in one of the militant group's actions, César is injured and captured by the military. Fernando then plans the kidnapping of the United States ambassador to Brazil, Charles Burke Elbrick, to negotiate the freedom of César and other imprisoned comrades. Nominated for the Oscar for Best International Film. Cast: Pedro Cardoso, Fernanda Torres, Alan Arkin, Selton Mello, Luiz Fernando Guimarães Director: Bruno Barreto Author: Fernando Gabeira Screenplay: Leopoldo Serran Production: Lucy Barreto, Luiz Carlos Barreto Distribution: Europa Filmes #europafilmes #globo #communism #militarydictatorship #seltonmello