#fanfiction #fanfiction voiceover #arafvoiceover #viguki Boosty: https://boosty.to/miaraf1 TG: https://t.me/+NYCiqBYPR4sxNmNi Author's ficbook: https://ficbook.net/readfic/12192571 Work voiced WITH PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR!!! DESCRIPTION: Civil service is boring and uninteresting. Do you really think so? Even if Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook serve together? Can their relationship be boring, especially when there are solid obstacles all around? And if I weren't your boss, would I have a chance? No. Sorry, Taehyung, but - no! Sorry, - and he saw how heavily he exhaled, swallowed and smiled through force. Well, that means - not Destiny. DISCLAIMER!!! All works by the author are artistic fiction and a way of self-expression that embodies freedom of speech. They are addressed by the author exclusively to adults with a formed worldview, for their entertainment and possible discussion of their personal opinions. The works do not demonstrate the attractiveness of non-traditional sexual relations in comparison with traditional ones; the author, in principle, does not engage in such comparisons. The author of the stories does not deny traditional family values, does not aim to influence the formation of anyone's sexual preferences, and even more so does not encourage anyone to change them. By continuing to listen to my works, you confirm: that you are over 18 years old, and that you have a stable psyche; that you do this voluntarily and this is your personal choice. You realize that you are an adult and independent person, and no one except you is able to determine your personal preferences.