???????????????????????????? ???????????? #???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????: the Pesaro2024 route finally led us to ????????????????????????, one of the capitals of the Italian Renaissance. Here Federico da Montefeltro built the magnificent ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????, defined by many as the most beautiful in Italy, designed by great and numerous architects such as the great Francesco di Giorgio Martini and Luciano Laurana, to whom we owe the large and fairy-tale facade of the turrets and the wonderful courtyard of honor. “Not a palace, but a city in the shape of a palace,” Baldassar Castiglione defined it in The Courtier, adorned with silver vases, gold drapes, ancient statues, works of art, singular paintings and musical instruments. Among the most important rooms we find the ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????, which has remained intact since the 15th century, whose perspective inlays make us relive the passions and interests of Federico who, looking at the portraits of illustrious figures, an example of virtue to follow, received inspiration and ideas for his work. Enjoy the viewing in the company of Enea Sorini, voice and psaltery and Pedro Alcàcer Doria, lute, who perform: J'ay pris d'Amour by Anonymous (15th century) and La dolçe vista by Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474). The background music is taken from “La dolçe vista - Music at the court of Federico da Montefeltro” Ensemble Bella Gerit, 2006.