On October 23, there will be a live intensive course on the “aggressor-victim” dynamics: https://selfcoaching-afonina.com/heal... Take a free lesson “How to remove the fear of criticism and move towards your goals”: https://selfcoaching-afonina.com/lm/s... Reach a new level in developing yourself and your projects with the help of training programs and free original materials from Natalia Afonina: https://selfcoaching-afonina.com/prod... Link to a video about the Dilts pyramid of logical levels: • The pyramid of logical levels of Robert D... Link to a video about the Dilts pyramid of logical levels 2.0: • How to disassemble yourself down to the last screw and reassemble... Link to a video about the Karpman game triangle: • How to get out of the victim syndrome? Game... Link to video about the connection between discipline and the adult position: • How to overcome internal resistance... Link to video about the key difference between the victim and the author position: • The key difference between the “victim” position and ... Link to video about how to cope with the fear of making a mistake: • How to believe in yourself and get rid of ... Link to video about how to cope with impostor syndrome: • How an expert can believe in his own ... Link to video about the owner's mindset and how it affects business development: • Delegation of authority. Spiral ... Sign up for Natalia's online course "SELF-COACHING" with psychological and coaching tools for working through 4 key areas of self-realization: https://selfcoaching-afonina.com/cour... Natalia's news channels with practical techniques and the author's presentation of psychological theory: Telegram https://t.me/+M72BLVXMnS9kODAy Telegram with the secrets of the author's method of integrative coaching psychology https://t.me/+bV_cD5CVBJsxODM6 Personal page on VKontakte https://vk.com/ngafonina Community on VKontakte https://vk.com/centr_afonina In other social networks @afonina_levelup Sign up for an individual consultation with Natalia to work through your request in the author's integrative approach: https://selfcoaching-afonina.com/ng_a... The long-awaited new video on a VERY charged topic - Ego states. So often people turn to psychology and coaching with queries about "imposter syndrome", how to start doing, break through the "glass ceiling", how to overcome insecurity and form a stable self-esteem. And all these issues can be solved by working in one technique - working with Ego states. 00:00 Greeting 02:16 Relevance of the topic - why watch? 04:35 What is the "Ego state" and how does it "decide" for us 07:10 What can this video teach 09:42 INNER PARENT 10:44 What is the basis for the formation of the Parent Ego state 11:33 Intergenerational transmission of beliefs, patterns and scenarios 13:31 Variants of manifestation of the Parent Ego state 13:56 INNER CHILD 14:16 Free child 14:47 Adaptive child 16:39 INNER ADULT 17:22 Remark on parental messages 18:21 Summary about Ego states 18:50 Examples of transition to different Ego states depending on the context 21:01 Practical training #1. Control of the current Ego state 21:48 DYSFUNCTIONS RELATED TO THE EGO STATE 22:26 A) The Ego state does not fit the current context 23:28 Personal example from Natalia Afonina's experience 27:34 B) "Inflated" one Ego state and underdeveloped another/others 34:16 C) Dysfunctions in communications and relationships between people 34:59 Structural representation of neurotic relationships based on the theory of Ego states 38:18 The main ideas of Eric Berne's transactional analysis 38:50 Direct transaction 39:32 Intersecting transaction 41:20 Brief summary 41:55 Practical exercise #2. Correlation of Ego states according to Eric Berne with Walt Disney's technique of positional transitions 42:33 Summing up. WHAT to do? Step-by-step action plan for working through dysfunctions 45:42 HOW to do it? Skills and abilities - awareness and elaboration Understanding yourself, hearing your inner Parent, Adult and Child, being able to switch between these Ego states congruently with life contexts at the current moment - this is exactly what the new video is about. We will consider how one or two underdeveloped Ego states in one personality can be "replaced" through communication with other dysfunctional personalities in structure. A popular definition is neurotic and codependent relationships. And how our own personality structure influences the formation of our children's personalities (spoiler - directly!). As always, in the video you will find a structured theory on the topic of Ego states in the author's revision, clear life examples and applied techniques with a step-by-step action plan, answering the question "what and how to do with it?"