This is J from the attic of reading books. What is happiness? If you look it up in the dictionary, it is defined as a state of being happy and satisfied with life, or feeling contented and happy. The words luck, satisfaction, and joy are all words that cannot be judged objectively. In other words, happiness is not something that has a set standard, but something that happens when my heart feels it. The book I will introduce to you today is [Only Good Things Will Happen to Me] published by Yuno Books. The author of this book, Ierwon, is a bestselling author, photographer, and investor. He introduces his free life and his warm and positive writings containing his enlightenment in life online, and he is so popular that he has become a role model for young Taiwanese people. This book contains 40 stories about confidence, life, growth, effort, and human relationships based on the author's own experiences and reflections. I think this is a book worth reading for anyone who is currently contemplating work, love, human relationships, and happiness. Author-Eirwon / Translator-Bora Lee / Publisher-Yuno Books #TheManWhoReadsBooks #TheRadioWhoReadsBooks #Audiobook #MayOnlyGoodThingsBeForMe *All the videos on this channel were produced with permission from the copyright holder. *This content was produced with the creator's commentary and review of the book. All videos on this channel were produced with permission from the copyright holder. E: [email protected] *Music Composition/Performance: J Teacher Music / @jmusic1862