Opel Astra J 1.4 T piston was broken. Some procedures were being done before coming to us. But it stopped by us because it was constantly overheating. All hoses were rotten and constantly bursting. Our Astra j 1.4 turbo vehicle, which came from Konya with a referral, came to us because it had low traction, valve problem and the biggest problem was the piston breaking. We first started by removing the rocker cover and emptying all the electrical installations. When we opened the cylinder head, we found that the piston channels in the vehicle were broken. The original water hoses were changed to GM. In addition, an additional valve was installed to release the air from the water, which was previously in Toros vehicles, and the air can be removed with the help of the hose at the top. The piston breaking, which is frequently experienced in Astra j 1.4 turbo vehicles, was also encountered in this vehicle. He said that he could not overcome the heat and was constantly boiling water. Our customer, who stated that all the water hoses burst one by one, was most likely because poor quality antifreeze was previously used, all the hoses were cut and torn. Astra j 1.4 turbo chain change is also in the video. Since it is a sensitive sensor setting, the sensor must definitely be adjusted with the help of the vehicle's apparatus. We solved the Astra j 1.4 turbo water loss problem. Phone: 0535 715 88 86 instagram: repairevi_recepusta