Shihab & Shihab were present at the Al-Amin Mosque, Ministry of Finance. In front of hundreds of Ministry of Finance employees, Abi Quraish Shihab explained about wealth in Islam. Many people assume that wealth generated by business people is not part of Islamic teachings. Apparently, this is wrong. The Quran actually recommends and gives special attention so that Muslims are encouraged to seek wealth. Abi Quraish also answered a number of questions from the congregation regarding taxes, insurance and so on. Is it true that it is haram because it contains elements of usury? Watch Abi's full answer in the following video. (Narasi) #ShihabShihab #Narasi Also watch Shihab & Shihab eps. [Taxes, Money and Usury According to the Quran] and other episodes at https://www.narasi.tv or click the link http://bit.ly/32xF5ds Don't forget to subscribe, leave comments and share. Watch other content also on YouTube Channel: Narasi http://bit.ly/SubscribeYouTubeNarasi Narasi Newsroom http://bit.ly/SubscribeNarasiNewsroom Narasi Entertainment http://bit.ly/SubscribeNarasiEntertai... Narasi Stories http://bit.ly/SubscribeNarasiStories Narasi Talks http://bit.ly/SubscribeNarasiTalks Narasi Sports http://bit.ly/SubscribeNarasiSports Don't forget to subscribe, okay.. Follow: / najwashihab / najwashihab / najwashihabofficial