TOP VIEW In this second video of Sorocaba Top View, we will get to know the city's neighborhoods. Starting with the North Zone, in the area of the Vitória Regia Terminal and Itavuvu Avenue, with the most popular neighborhoods and gated communities such as Ibiti. Also, the new viaduct over Itavuvu Avenue, near Shopping Cidade. Then we move on to the area of Shopping Iguatemi Esplanada in the Campolim neighborhood, which is also connected by the Raposo Tavares Highway and has a very popular walking trail. Still in the South Zone, there is Sesc with its cultural program, Kasato Maru Park, a tribute to Japanese immigration, and finally the original Aranha da Vergueiro. Watch more videos from the GVT Channel! Thank you for subscribing! Sources: https://g1.globo.com/sp/sorocaba-jund... https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parque_...) https://turismo.sorocaba.sp.gov.br/vi... https://agendasorocaba.com.br/sesc-so... https://www.sescsp.org.br/unidades/so... https://www.mypacer.com/pt/routes/721... https://rmsnews.com.br/prefeitura-de-... https://jornalznorte.com.br/sorocaba/... https://vamodebusao.com/regiao-em-exp... https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorocab...