📢New project! Land Cruiser beginners will get to know, learn, and level up about Land Cruisers! For the first episode, we will challenge a homecoming drive from Nagoya to Nihonbashi, Tokyo, the hometown of the younger Tosa Brothers' younger brother, Yuki. Please watch over the two of them as they grow up! ーーー★Land Cruiser Journal★ https://toyota.jp/info/landcruiser-jo... ーーー【Tosa Brothers Yuki】 / tosakyodai_otot 【Niki】 / nikiii_0612 ーーー▼Register for the Land Cruiser Channel here / @toyotalandcruiserofficial ▼Official fan community [Land Cruisers] is now accepting members! (There are also limited-time events!) https://fan.landcruiser.toyota/ ▼Learn more about the Land Cruiser! https://toyota.jp/info/landcruiserbrand/ ◆Check out Toyota's official SNS too! X / toyota_pr Instagram / toyota_jp Facebook / toyotamotorcorporation #Landcruiser250 #Longdistancedriving #Homecomingtripbycar #Tosabrothers #Yuki #Niki #LandcruiserLv1