Jakhongir Otajonov is an Uzbek singer, musician, songwriter. One of the most talented, progressive and courageous representatives of the Uzbek stage. He grew up in a family of famous musical figures, one of whom was Ortik Otajonov. Despite the popularity of the artist, the number of interviews he has given is not large. Jakhongir prefers to leave many details about himself and his personal life "behind the scenes". Jakhongir Otajonov is a rather controversial person, someone is his ardent fan, someone criticizes his actions. He is not afraid to express his opinion not only about show business, but also about politics and religion. He can be described as a person who boldly makes difficult decisions. An example is the end of his musical career and the decision to participate in the presidential elections in 2021. Later, Otajonov decides to return to creativity. The genre of the artist's songs is also different. It intertwines national instruments, jazz, funk and rock - and creates the impression of an absolutely unique style. Jahongir can perform the same songs in different ways and improvises. Many of his songs use ghazals from the 15th-17th centuries, written in the literary Uzbek language, as lyrics. What is Jahongir Otajanov really like? In our conversation, we tried to reflect and show those qualities of the artist that sometimes go unnoticed - kindness, purity of intentions and the ability to directly, without flattery, express his opinion. People often look for honesty in this world. We found it in our Hero today. Did we manage to show the other side of the Guest? Differently, 180 degrees? Watch right now! Enjoy watching! Jahongir Otajanov in social networks: / jahongir_atajanovs Smoking is harmful to your health. The project is not responsible for the opinions and statements of the guests. 00:00 - about personal qualities 04:25 - do you agree with people's opinions about you? 05:10 - about childhood 08:10 - about the emergence of interest in musical creativity 11:15 - did they try to change you in childhood? 13:43 - about the attitude to psychologists and life principles 28:00 - about your musical direction 30:10 - what is trending in your industry now? 33:13 - who is your target audience? 35:44 - what rules do you follow when writing songs? 40:54 - do you write songs based on your life situations? 42:17 - about the further development of Uzbek show business 45:57 - about stage image and clothing style 46:40 - how important is kindness in our time? 46:57 - why aren't you afraid to make categorical decisions? how is it so easy to let go of everything from your life? 48:57 - about simple human happiness 50:27 - why is disrespect towards women spreading in our region? 55:48 - about the proper attitude of a man towards a woman 58:54 - about the predominance of male opinion over female opinion in Uzbekistan 1:00:35 - how should a woman react to betrayal and why has this become the norm? 1:03:07 - should a woman be educated? 1:04:01 - about the qualities of a true Muslim 1:04:59 - about pilgrimage 1:07:37 - about plans to create a book 00:00 - shaxsiy fazilatlar haqida 04:25 - siz haqingizda odamlarning fikriga qo'shilasizmi? 05:10 - bolalik haqida 08:10 - musiqiy ijodga qiziqishning paydo bo'lishi haqida 11:15 - sizni bolaligingizda o'zgartirishga harakat qilishdimi? 13:43 - psixologlarga munosabat va hayot tamoyillari haqida 28:00 - uning musiqiy yo'nalishi haqida 30:10 - hozir sizning sohangizda nima tendentsiya bor? 33:13 - maqsadli auditoriyangiz kim? 35:44 - qo'shiq yozishda qanday qoidalarga amal qilasiz? 40:54 - hayotiy vaziyatlaringizdan kelib chiqib qo'shiq yozasizmi? 42:17 - o'zbek shou-biznesining yanada rivojlanishi haqida 45:57 - sahna qiyofasi va kiyim uslubi haqida 46:40 - bizning davrimizda mehribonlik qanchalik muhim? 46:57 - nega qat'iy qarorlar qabul qilishdan qo'rqmaysiz? Qanday qilib hayotingizdagi hamma narsadan osongina voz kechishingiz mumkin? 48:57 - oddiy inson baxti haqida 50:27 - nega viloyatimizda ayollarga nisbatan hurmatsizlik avj oldi? 55:48 - erkakning ayolga to'g'ri munosabati haqida 58:54 - O'zbekistonda erkaklar fikri ayollar fikridan ustun ekanligi haqida 1:00:35 - ayol xiyonatga qanday munosabatda bo'lishi kerak va nima uchun bu odatiy Holga aylandi? 1:03:07 - ayol kishi bilim olishi kerakmi? 1:04:01 - haqiqiy musulmonning fazilatlari haqida 1:04:59 - ziyorat haqida 1:07:37 - kitob yaratish rejalari haqida #jahongir_otajonov