The story begins when Natsumi encounters western food. The name of the food is "Kitchen Macaroni". Natsumi is fascinated by "Kitchen Macaroni", which has been serving the same taste for 30 years, and the people who live there are the first-string members of the family. This is a home-love comedy with laughter, tears, and romance, where Natsumi and her brothers from the first-string members of the family live. As the story progresses, it becomes clear how much Natsumi loves lunch. One of the highlights is the delicious lunch menu that appears in each episode, such as omelet rice and curry rice. With Tsukamoto and Eguchi Yosuke playing the role of chefs, don't miss their knife skills. ///Yamashita Tomohisa/Yamamoto 2///Eguchi Yosuke/A(Yama) Haka Take■Sequel: Niki Nozomi//:Main singer: Three Dog Night "Joy to the World" ■Producer: Yamaguchi/Main character: Mizuta Shigehide/Himura/Kizoku/Shirakawa Takeshi (C) Fuji Television FOD Premium Membership Registration ● What is FOD Premium? ● Daily Gachapinkacha Works