Toxic relationships can have a long-term physical and psychological impact and make us ill. Saraj Stutz advises people who are trapped in toxic relationship patterns. She knows from her own experience what terrible consequences this can have. Now she wants to help people break out of unhealthy relationships. But how do I know if I'm just going through a bad phase or if my relationship is actually toxic? Saraj Stutz names four typical warning signs of a dangerous relationship. You can find out what they are in the video. #relationships #toxic #separation This article from the Talkwerk series is a donation-funded production of ERF - Der Sinnsender. We would like to point out that the contributions of the interviewees and other guests reflect their views alone and not the opinion of the editorial team. ERF does not adopt the statements of the interviewees and guests as its own. Contradictions in the statements of the interviewees and studio guests are generally to be accepted within the framework of freedom of expression. Watch entire shows: http://www.erfjess.de Follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/erf_jess Become our subscriber on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@talkwerk?_t=8... Just test your faith: http://www.jesus-experiment.de Do you like this show? Then get your friends excited about it! Become our ambassador and receive great giveaways to give away: http://www.erf.de/botschafter