AWESOME!!!FOUND A WHOLE BEEF LEG FOR ONLY 20,000 JUMBO SIZE GUARANTEED TO BE Tender & Tender Lontong kikil Mbak Lis Bojonegoro Provides a menu of Lontong Sambel, Lontong Vegetables & Lontong kikil. But it is most famous for its lontong kikil which is soft & also cheap. Open from 12.00-22.00 WIB. Prices start from 7,000 Rupiah. Location Jl. Raya PUK Balen, RT.17/RW.02, Balen Wetan, Balenrejo, Kec. Balen, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java 62182 Google Maps https://maps.app.goo.gl/hQTY7ErqRfE9w... Thank you ???????????? For watching my video. I hope you are given health & smooth fortune, Amen ???????????? And it can be useful for you. To find culinary references and can advance UMKM traders, Amen ???????????? CULINARY GREETINGS INDONESIA #culinary #bojonegoroculinary #Lontongkikil #LintongkikilMbaklis #KangMasBogelChannel #culinaryindonesia #indonesianfood #javaculinary #viral #nusantaraculinary #indonesiaculinary #eastjavaculinary #traditionalculinary #legendaryculinary