This short film, the second in the series, portrays the Brenner station after a snowfall that has made the border crossing particularly fascinating. The films open with the maneuvers of two FS self-propelled trolleys used for maintenance of the overhead line (maneuvers that occupy the first half of the video), which are stored on the parking track assigned to them. This is followed by the arrival from Austria of a convoy of steel products (destined for Brescia Scalo), a train managed by a double of Railpool group 186 locomotives, Lokomotion and RTC. The whole thing ends with the maneuvers of another RTC machine, this time the 186 283 which, having arrived at the station previously from Austria (see the first episode) at the head of another freight convoy, is stored on a parking track of the station, on the Austrian side: Filmed in HD, enjoy. Filming by: Leonardo Ballini, Michele Fumagalli, Pietro Chiodo. Editing: Leonardo Ballini.