In this tutorial I show you how to make a decorative fake fireplace for less than €50. ----------------------------------------------------------- Supplies: MDF wood cut to size total 19€ 1 Raw MDF skirting board 10x100mm 5.90€ https://www.castorama.fr/plinthe-mdf-... 1 Planed fir batten 27x27mm 3.25€ https://www.castorama.fr/tasseau-en-s... 1 Silvana extruded polystyrene molding 10.50€ https://www.castorama.fr/moulure-poly... 2 Astragale pine moldings 5.50€ https://www.castorama.fr/astragale-pi... Total 49.65€ Wallpaper = offcuts or samples ----------------------------------------------------------- → The plan available here for FREE in return SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel it's also free https://www.espacesolution.fr/bricola... #SolutionBricolage #fakeFireplace #decorativefireplace