Radio Tapok is a creative pseudonym of the artist Oleg Abramov: official website https://radiotapok.ru/ VK https://vk.com/radiotapok YOUTUBE / radiotapok Yandex music https://music.yandex.ru/artist/5926594 For the 170th anniversary of the repulse of the attack of the superior forces of the Anglo-French squadron on Petropavlovsk on Kamchatka during the Crimean (Eastern) War. The video was created using footage from the Pirates of the Caribbean film series with audio accompaniment of the RADIO TAPOK Petropavlovsk track. SLOVO Studio – videos with meaning and mood, edited from favorite tracks and films. VK https://vk.com/club228193326 RUTUBE https://rutube.ru/channel/40953783/ Zen https://dzen.ru/id/669209413f71c06664... Personal blog https://vk.com/id869334506