This video presents the necessary amendments to forestry law in order to fill the claimed #sustainability with ecological content. The poem was written by Norbert Panek in 2021. The aerial photographs are from Google Earth. The other photos are by Norbert Panek and Harry Neumann. The brochure mentioned can be found at: https://www.naturschutz-initiative.de... Chapter 00:00 Happy New Year! 01:20 Norbert Panek 03:38 Scandal and legal loopholes 09:48 Brochure on changes to the law 13:17 Absurdly lax legal situation 16:03 1. Selective use of wood 19:13 2. No clear-cutting 23:17 3. Forest soil protection 28:01 4. Ban on foreign substances 30:04 5. Restoration of the ground water balance 36:34 Demands on politics #permanentforest #forest #forestry #climatechange #mixedforest #ageclassforest #forestcrisis #Together4forests