In this tutorial we will see what determines the harmonic function of a chord. Now that you understand the harmonic functions in this lesson I teach you how to make the dominants more dissonant, therefore more effective: • How to make the 7th or dominant chords... Download the PDF of this lesson here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a7j2e4... One of the most important elements of harmony is to understand the harmonic functioning of the chords within the tonality, which serve as rest and as tension chords. For this we need to understand the harmonic functions, which chord corresponds to the tonic function, which to the subdominant and which to the dominant. There are 4 basic rules that will help us locate any chord according to its harmonic function, mastering them will give us a greater understanding of harmony and more importantly will help us work on different chords according to their function. In the first rule we talked about the function determinants, those notes that determine how the chord works within the scale. In a scale there are three central notes, three important notes, they are the ones that largely determine the harmonic functions of the chords. The second rule to locate chords within the harmonic functions is by kinship, we will see how much the chords resemble the most important ones in the scale. The third rule shows us how a chord can change its harmonic function when inverted, how the vertical location of the determinant tells us the function of the chord. Finally we will see the importance of the tritone, with this interval present any chord becomes dominant. In the lesson we will see examples, we will analyze the harmonic function of each of the chords in the major scale, we will talk about exchange chords and finally we will see what happens with non-regular harmonic structures such as suspended chords. I hope this class is to everyone's liking and that you manage to get the most out of it, it is a bit difficult, but it is very useful to master this resource. Find in this list of videos everything we have about reharmonization on the channel: • Learn how to reharmonize songs and give them a new look. Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Get our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro...