In today's lesson we will explain the most important concepts that you must master if you want to learn to read sheet music. If you want to complement, here I leave you a lesson where I debunk 7 myths about learning to read sheet music: • 7 lies about learning to read ... Download the PDF of this lesson here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/zc4lzu... Learn about our reading and ear training course: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/produ... To read sheet music on guitar you must first focus on the location of the notes, knowing where the notes are on the guitar is vital since it will save you a lot of time when reading. You must understand that the sheet music asks you to play sounds, specific frequencies, not frets as it happens in tablature and since the guitar allows you to play the same sound in different parts, you will be able to realize that all the options are correct and that you can play the same thing in different parts. This is why guitarists use positions to group notes and work in the same register, the less we move, the easier it will be for us to read a score and the faster we can do it. You must pay close attention to the rhythm, since this is the great difficulty when reading sheet music on guitar, it is the most complex point. Reading sheet music is something simple, you just have to know how to study it, you will see that with the location, knowing the notes on the staff and the study of the rhythm you can solve this, we hope this list of videos helps you achieve it. • How to read guitar sheet music and me... Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro...