In today's lesson we'll see how to solve rhythm problems on the guitar. I'll show you the strategies I use with my students to master this important area of the guitar. Something else you can do is start creating your own rhythm patterns. In this lesson I'll tell you how to do it: • Learn to create amazing RHYTHMS with... The first thing I always suggest to my students is to work with a constant beat, with a metronome or a drum track, something that helps us play in a constant way. This prevents us from pausing, speeding up or playing slower. In rhythm, consistency is a must, and with this we'll achieve it more easily. The second thing is to learn to keep the beat of a song either with your palms or with your body. Our goal is to feel the rhythm so we can then apply it to the guitar. The third tip is to get used to playing with a backing track. This helps us to become familiar with the different elements that we will find in a musical piece and to focus on the drums, which is the most important thing. I have had students who do not like to apply this, all with rhythm problems. Playing with a backing track will help us get used to following other musicians and will help us to have a better sense of tempo. The fourth tip to solve rhythm problems is to always count when we are playing, to be able to keep track of the beat so that we can distinguish where the different times go. The fifth tip is to keep the rhythm with our foot while we are playing. Initially we will mark the 4 beats of the bar, then only 1 and 3 and then only 2 and 4. The sixth tip is to master rhythm figures. We will focus on playing in whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, triplets and sixteenth notes. This will give us a better understanding of the pulse. Finally, we will get used to playing in different times, at different speeds. If we do these seven steps, you can be sure that rhythm problems will be a thing of the past. Find in this list all our videos that will help you with the study of rhythm on the guitar. • Rhythm work for the guitar Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro...