In today's lesson I'm going to show you how to get the rhythm of any song on the guitar, for this we're going to develop a simple three-step procedure. And if you want to advance a little further here I'll teach you how to create your own rhythms • Learn to create incredible RHYTHMS with... The first thing we must do is identify the pulse or speed at which our song moves, see if it's a fast song or a slow song. Then we're going to identify the time signature, the objective is to see if it's a binary or ternary song, if we have three or four beats per bar, to do this we can do it by walking the song, looking at where the accent or the strong beat falls in each cycle. The third step is to identify the subdivision, see if we have eighth or sixteenth notes in each beat, this will be decisive in being able to write the rhythm later. Once we have this defined we will move on to get the rhythm of three songs with three specific situations, one ternary, one binary in eighth notes and one binary in sixteenth notes. What we do is take the eighth notes available for each measure or sixteenth notes as the case may be, then we fill them in, we see which one is active and which one is not and in this way group by group we get the rhythm pattern. Once we have this, it is easy to even write the rhythm using conventional spelling. Find in this list all our videos that will help you with the study of rhythm on the guitar. • Rhythm work for the guitar Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro...