In today's lesson we are going to talk about guitar chords, we will see 7 tips to improve their sound and make their interpretation easier. If you want to go deeper into this lesson I share with you four other things that will help you improve your sound: • 4 tips to improve the sound when playing ... One of the biggest problems that beginner guitarists have is getting the chords to sound clean, clear and that each of the notes that compose them are understood, it is common that when playing guitar chords, notes sound muffled, or that other frets are pressed by mistake, so initially we will see how to solve this from the position of the hands and the way we are going to attack the strings. When guitar chords do not sound good it is generally caused by position problems, so in this lesson we are going to talk about the correct posture of the guitar and our hands, how we can from this very important aspect improve the sound of the guitar, in addition having a good posture will allow us to improve our interpretation, practice for a longer time and get less tired, it goes without saying that we can avoid some injury. We will also talk about the instrument, we will see how the action affects the interpretation and what type of strings we should use to minimize this problem, having our guitar ready is something that will help us a lot and make our interpretation easier, so we must pay a lot of attention to the guitar, the height of the strings and the type of stringing we are using. Finally, we will focus on the technique, how we should attack the strings, what distance to keep from the frets and how to approach chords with a capo, in this way we will see that by minimizing the force we can get results, we will see that for guitar chords to sound the issue is more about technique than strength. This series of videos is based on guitar practice, its purpose is to optimize practice sessions to achieve results in a short time, it is not just about dedicating hours to the instrument, it is about knowing how to use the time to cover many things with a single exercise. Follow these tips and you will see how guitar chords begin to sound. This list contains useful videos for beginners, chords, how to work on them and how to correct certain errors in our technique • Chords and useful things for beginners... Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro...