Hello people, welcome to a new video. Today we visited a unique place in Jujuy, in the Yungas region. We did three circuits on the Jordan River, in San Francisco, (Valle Grande) An experience full of adrenaline and adventure in contact with nature. We leave you Alan's number, who was our guide on this unforgettable and totally unmissable tour on the green side of Jujuy. Alan (local guide) tel. 3886654192 / 3886654734 Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on our social networks. Greetings! #sanfrancisco #jujuy #jujuyargentina #jujuyenergiaviva #yungas #rainforest #trekking #argentina #trip #outdoors #turismoargentina #sudamerica #chasingwaterfalls #argentinaig #aventuras #southamerica #tropicalforest --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL NETWORKS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram CM ANDANDO: https://instagram.com/andando_yt?igsh... Lu: https://instagram.com/lulyb87?igshid=... Nico: https://instagram.com/nico17.bm?igshi... Tiktok CM ANDANDO: https://www.tiktok.com/@cm.andando?_t... Lu: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYdTreSa/