Hey guys, I brought you the best The Flash Addon for mobile, The Fastest Speedster is one of, if not the best Flash Addon available for mobile. Addon Name: The Fastest Speedster ==Update== • Introduced new special effects: ° Every 5 levels of speed increased in the shorts, particle effects will appear around the player; ° When the race starts, from level 5 of speed, the player will emit sprint particles. • Improved lightning animation; • Improved skill interface system; • New command to remove particle effects from negative mode: (/function particles_eye); • Optimization and performance: ° Reduction of addon systems; ° Removed Savitar theme music; ° Removal of useless files and folders. • Fixed Flash Time (Skill); • Fixed Speed Force (Skill) of the Costumes: Flash CW4, Flash CW6, Flash HQ, Kid Flash and Wally West; • Fixed when looking at the player will not appear NPC dialogue option; • Fixed NPC exchanges; • Fixed NPC functions; • New beta combat system (Flash Reversion CW); • Conversion of systems for Minecraft version 1.21 to the current ones: ° Costumes; ° Syringes; ° Lightning; ° Blocks; ° Equipment; ° Craft items; ° Powers; ° Masks. • Fixed keepinventory gamerule system of the Negative Speed Force; • Fixed when the player enters the Speed Force (Dimension); File manager = https://fir3.net/ESFileExplorerApk Download Addon = https://fir3.net/TheFastestv575lightn... Developer Channel = / @jgohanonplay9722 #Minecraft#TheFlash#Addon#Mod