From the Village to the City is a 1974 Turkish comedy film directed by Ertem Eğilmez. It is a sequel to the film The Idiot Milyoner. The film stars Kemal Sunal, Zeki Alasya, Metin Akpınar and Halit Akçatepe, and tells the story of four brothers who come to Ankara to exchange the gold after finding a treasure buried in their village. After their not-so-good Istanbul adventure, Saffet, Himmet, Hayret and Gayret return to their village and when they find the treasure in their own field, they suddenly think they have achieved their dream. They go to their fellow townsman, Jeweler Ali Rıza, who lives in Ankara, to exchange the gold and turn it into money. When Jeweler Ali Rıza first sees these Kayseri warriors, he thinks they are ordinary people and constantly kicks them out of his shop (they are not in the shop when they first arrive). Later, when their real intentions are revealed, he goes as far as hosting them in his own room at home (his wife and sister-in-law are against this...) As a matter of fact, Ali Rıza could neither get a share of the gold nor could he prevent the children from plundering his house. Şaban's Son Şaban: • Şaban's Son Şaban FULL HD Salako: • Salako FULL HD Hababam Class Awakening: • Hababam Class Awakening FULL HD Happy Days: • Happy Days FULL HD Kibar Feyzo: • Kibar Feyzo FULL HD To Subscribe to the Channel: https://bit.ly/2Tol4Da / arzufilmofficial / arzufilmas / arzufilmasofficial #ArzuFilm #KöydenİndimŞehire #KemalSunal #ZekiAlasya #MetinAkpınar #HalitAkçatepe #Local Film